yadda yadda 2
JoinedTopics Started by yadda yadda 2
Catholic (not JW apostate) exposes bizarre 1914 doctrine CONTRADICTION
by yadda yadda 2 ina catholic (nb - note a jw apostate) utterly demolishes the jw's chronoprophetic 1914 creed here:.
in doing so he points out as follows a strikingly arbitrary and contradictory application of the 2520 days used to arrive at 1914 and 1260 days used to arrive at 1918:.
Do you suffer from WELTSCHMERZ?
by yadda yadda 2 indefinition of weltschmerz1: mental depression or apathy caused by comparison of the actual state of the world with an ideal state 2: a mood of sentimental sadness.
as a jw, horrific news and reports of terrible suffering and tragedy never especially shocked or disturbed me because of the conviction i had that it was all temporary suffering caused by satan and the demons and it was soon to end and be replaced by a wonderful new system where all those who suffered and died would be resurrected.
it took the edge off life's harshness.. these fantastical beliefs innoculated me against really feeling and empathisizing with the reality of the horror and suffering experienced by so many in this world.
Why doesn't the GB make field service optional for certain congregation members only similar to the Mormons?
by yadda yadda 2 inephesians 4:11 makes for a strong case that not every member of the congregation should have to go door-to-door.. "so christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers,..".
this shows that different members of the first century congregations served different ministerial functions.
so why don't the jw's say that field service is no longer compulsory for all congregation members, only for those who feel a calling for it per eph 4:11..... the mormons sort of do this with their young men and women 'elders' doing 2 years voluntary, genuinely full-time service (these mormons boys put in some big hours 6 days a week and have their meals provided for them, etc!
Why can't JW's just admit they've got some things WRONG
by yadda yadda 2 innew light???.
show some humility, grow some balls and admit for once your religion has got things wrong!!.
Watchtower sitting on potential goldmine of millions of non-JW memorial attenders
by yadda yadda 2 inlast year's "letter from the governing body" (on jw.org) notes:.
"last year, the memorial attendance was 19,241,252. how encouraging to see so many honor jehovah and jesus christ by attending the most important meeting of the year for gods people!".
that's about 12 million or so non-jw's who go to the memorial only, a good % of whom are evidently at least somewhat sympathetic or curious about the jw's, but for various reasons have no desire to commit to the religion.. .
2014 AGM announcement rumour
by yadda yadda 2 infrom barbara anderson, former watchtower headquarters researcher and writer, on another recent thread:.
it is expected that at the 2014 annual meeting, usually held the first saturday in october, will serve watchtower leaders well to cover-up all the 100-years of prophetic nonsense.
rumor has it they are going to celebrate their 100-years of announcing the kingdom in an adroit way by featuring a move of "great" significance to do with the expansion of the governing body to an "apostolic" 12 or some other fantasy idea.. .
Awake! and public Watchtower almost identical for appearance and content
by yadda yadda 2 ini was in a chinese take-out the other day and saw a couple of very recent awake and watchtower magazines on the counter, amongst other magazines.. i had a good flick through both of them and noticed how very similar both magazines now appear in terms of appearance and content.
i was left with the distinct impression that the public edition watchtower is now basically indiscernable from the awake!
regarding content.
A religion that started in 1914 similar to JW's with millions of adherents!!!!
by yadda yadda 2 iniglesia ni cristo!
founded in 1914 with millions of members and similar doctrines to the jw's, maybe jesus selected them instead of jw's lol!.
SHOCKING elder's talk: "..when we are baptized we abdicate all responsibility to think for ourselves.."
by yadda yadda 2 ini found this recorded elder's talk (presumably genuine) quite disturbing in how he states that in order to maintain unity, jw's have given up thinking for themselves and passed over their thinking ability to the governing body.. "when you're baptized, your thinking is not your own anymore...your thinking is done for you...we carry out to the letter everything the society tells us to do..." .
his concluding statement "stop thinking for yourselves!".
there's the usual reference to the korah and those who challenged moses, but "you in the congregation are safe as long as you don't speak out against the elders and jehovah's organisation...".